Strange things seem to go on in the attic. Aliens trying to destroy the earth, a Barttosai who hates to kill, a peace-loving gunslinger, and even real live people getting sucked into ancient chinese books. Yes, all of these things and more seem to happen in the Attic. Hopefully, you know which animes I was referring to. If not, then you will find out soon enough. **Fanfics are up!! Well, two anyway, but more are in the process of being posted. They are denoted by a * on the navagational bar on the right, and summaries are in the Fanfic area.** If everything works out as I expect it to, this page will contain pics and info on as many animes I can find. Also, I am going to get some good anime music. If I'm very luucky, and people love me very much...(or even just a little)...they will send me fanfics and fanart and stuff so I can post it. That would make me very happy, 'cause I love fanfics. You can send me stuff from any series, just make sure you let me know what it is from, ne? Thanks!! Oh yeah, I almost forgot...if you want to become a part of the attic email me. As a part of the Attic, you can submit fanfics and feel special! Besides, it would make me feel like people care. ^.^ Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail! |