STORY 1. Heero and Duo are standing on a corner and they notice Relena across the street. Duo pulls out a gun and promptly fires. Relena falls down dead and Duo looks over at Heero. DUO: There! See how easy that was?! STORY 2. It is the middle of the night and Quatre hears strange metallic grinding sounds coming from the hangar. Much to his surprise, he finds his Gundam Sandrock humping Trowas Gundam, Heavyarms. He slams the door shut quickly turns away. QUATRE: I don't remember installing that! STORY 3. Heero is reading something on a piece of paper when one of fingers slips and he gets a small paper cut. He quickly looks around to see if anyone is there and then starts to cry like a baby. HEERO: Why doesn't anyone care?!! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! STORY 4. All five pilots are sitting at a table eating when a door breaks down and four of the Backstreet Boys, A.J., Brian, Kevin, and Howie, rush in and see Quatre. BRIAN: Nick! We've finally found you! QUATRE: Huh? The Boys pick up Quatre and leave. The others watch for a moment, then turn back to their food. DUO: Dibs on his pancakes. STORY 5. Treize is sitting behind a desk with a stack of sympathy cards stacked to the ceiling. Wufei kicks the door down and bursts in with his sword. WUFEI: Comon! Fight me now, Treize! This time I won't lose! Treize looks up for a moment, then seals an envelope. TREIZE: Not now, Wufei. I'm busy...Ah, thirty down and fifty-one thousand thirty-six to go. WUFEI: *sighs* I'll come back later. STORY 6. Heero is at a movie theater with a girl. She looks over at him and smiles slightly, but Heero jumps up in shock and covers his face. HEERO: Did you see?!! GIRL: See...what? HEERO: Grr...Omae o korosu... Heero takes a gun, shoots the girl, and runs away. STORY 7. Trowa is standing in front of a mirror brushing his hair. It suddenly falls limp in his down in his face and he quickly reaches for something on his dresser. Nothing is there. He brushes the long strands away from his face and looks. Not seeing what he is searching for, he screams TROWA: AHHHHHH!!! Where is it?! Quatre runs into the room, somewhat alarmed. QUATRE: What is it? What's wrong? TROWA: *starts bawling* I can't find my hair gel!!! STORY 8. Heero and Wufei are in their Gundams on their way to destroy a base when they suddenly break down. WUFEI: Dammit!! Who didn't refill the fuel tanks?! The two start walking down a desert road. WUFEI: We hijack the next thing that comes down this road. HEERO: Aa. A few minutes later, a bus comes down the road and Wufei flags it down and runs to the door with his gun cocked and ready. Unfortunately, the bus driver is Ms. Crabtree form South Park. WUFEI: Alright everyone-- MS. CRABTREE: SIT DOWN KID!! WUFEI: But-- MS. CRABTREE: Shut up and sit down! Wufei and Heero sit, but Ms. Crabtree notices their guns. MS. CRABTREE: No firearms on the bus! Get rid of 'em NOW!!! Heero and Wufei throw their guns out the window, but one goes off and a bullet goes through the window and hits a boy in an orange coat, who falls down dead. Two other little boys scream. KYLE: Oh my God, you killed Kenny! STAN: You bastard!! The end... until the next time Kaycee and I get hyper... |