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Here's a list of my favorite links, and why I like them:

Planet Vegita

Planet Vegita. I have visited this website since it first began. It has grown substantially since then. Although there isn't a whole lot of info on the different series, it's a fun site. They have great images from different animes, the sound gallery is ever growing, and different parts of the site are fun to explore. Enjoy!


GCAL stands for the Greater Cincinnati Anime League. The site is still just getting started, so there isn't much there yet, but it's a club worth joining if you live in Cincinnati.


This site needs no explanation. The Anime Web Turnpike is probably the most useful anime site ever created. Whoever runs it should be immortalized.


Yes, TRE- The Real Enchilada. This is a gundam humor site that I think is particurally funny. (Partly because I inspired it ^^). There are a few inside jokes but all in all, it is a great site. If you don't go look at it, you are depriving yourself of something truly great.

Do you want your site added to my list? Just email me and let me know. Really, I'm a very nice person, I won't bite. In fact, I'd be happy to add your link because that would mean that someone is looking at my site! Yeah!