He was absolutely perfect. Golden tan skin, shiny dark brown hair, the most intense and intimidating cobalt blue eyes, strong, well toned muscles, and overall, he was just gorgeous. Duo sometimes wondered about the morality of the feelings he held for Heero Yuy, but he figured he was damned anyway, so he could think whatever the hell he wanted. The American pilot grinned sheepishly as he continued to peer through the bathroom door's keyhole. He had stayed perfectly still in that squatting position for almost twenty minutes, completely oblivious to everything but the Japanese boy fresh out of the shower with a white towel wrapped around his slim waist. Duo didn't even happen to notice that someone had come into the room several minutes earlier and now that someone was standing directly behind him. Duo remained aware of the other presence until it grabbed him by the braid, pulled him away from the door, and pinned him roughly against the closest solid object, which just so happened to be Heero's bed. "Ow! Oi, baka! Leggo!" Duo squealed. He squirmed wildly, trying with desperation to pull his beloved chestnut brown braid out of its tormentor's hands. "Wufei, let go--owww! That really hurts! Don't pull! Don't pull!" Inside the bathroom, Heero turned his gaze to the door, listening to Duo's cries. Something about the braided pilot's choice of words did not sound right. The Chinese boy kneeling over Duo smirked pleasantly at his violet-eyed comrade writhing in pain beneath him. "Y'know, Duo." Wufei began calmly, twisting the long braid just to hear Duo yelp. "At a certain age people stop playing practical jokes." He narrowed his dark eyes at the helpless boy as his smile faded. He released the American's braid and held him down by his shoulders. "I'm guessing your brain never reached that age." Duo blinked innocently as he rubbed the back of his head. Some of the neatly braided long strands had come out and were now hanging wildly around his face and down his back. "Nani?" He asked with a faint smile. Wufei growled and put pressure on Duo's shoulders until he again cried out in pain. "What'd I do?" Duo whimpered. "Get off! That hurts! Oww!" Wufei frowned and relented a little on the pressure he had on Duo's shoulders. "You know very well what you did." He said sternly. Duo gazed at him, looking pathetically naïve. "Iie." "You put four of my textbooks in the toilet along with a dead goldfish..." Duo looked blank for a moment, then he slowly smiled. "Oh, that. That was hours ago." Wufei scowled furiously and again grabbed Duo's braid. "If you ever, EVER do anything like that again, I'll cut off your hair and nail it on my wall as a trophy." The American's expression suddenly became very serious. He kicked wildly so Wufei lost his balance and fell forward, ending up just mere centimeters from Duos face. "No one messes with my hair and lives." Duo said very softly. He had gotten a hold on Wufei's shirt and was showing no sign of letting go. Duo's violet eyes were narrowed into an intense glare, very out of character for the normally cheery boy. A slightly deranged smile spread across his face. "Got it, buddy?" "Hai." Wufei muttered, trying his best to sound unintimidated by the smaller pilot's threat. Hearing the bathroom door open, then the sound of soft, familiar footsteps in the room, Duo and Wufei both looked up. Heero was standing next to the bed with his arms folded squarely folded over his chest and his face displaying no emotion as usual. He was still pretty wet and he had only put on a pair of gray boxer shorts. Suddenly realizing that he and Duo were in a very awkward position, Wufei pulled himself out of the American's grasp and stumbled back a few steps towards the bathroom. He turned and looked at the small room for a moment, it had the fresh out of a shower smell...Wait...If Heero had been taking a shower, why had Duo been looking through the keyhole when he had come in? Could they be...No. Wufei decided. No way. That was just gross. He warily eyed Heero and Duo and left without another word. The genuine, happy smile returned to Duo's face as he bounced into a sitting position and looked up at Heero. "Ohaiyo!" He said cheerfully. Heero scowled as Duo played with several loose strands of hair. This wasn't right. Duo's hair was always perfect, never out of place. "Out." He told the boy flatly. Duo lost his smile as he stood up. "What?" "Out." The Japanese pilot said again. "But this is my room too..." Duo began. An angry glare from Heero instantly shut him up. Duo went to the door and looked back, giving Heero puppy dog eyes, but the glare hadn't softened at all. With a heavy sigh, he stepped outside and shut the door behind him. Duo wandered aimlessly down the hallway, his expression stuck in an angry put. Heero had never kicked him out before. Sure this was a new school, the fourth one in a little more that a year. The rooms were small and extremely cramped, but that was no reason for Heero to make him leave. Maybe Heero knew that he had been watching him, but wait, hadn't they already been through that? The American shook his head in frustration and continued down the hall, mumbling angrily to himself. "Ano baka Heero." He sharply turned a corner and started down a staircase. "Just when we realize we have something for each other that asshole does this." Duo brushed past Quatre Winner on his way down the stairs, but he neglected to notice. The blonde Arabian saw the troubled look on Duo's face and he promptly turned around and followed him. Quatre knew something was wrong when he walked into the student lounge and found Duo sitting in an easy chair reading a magazine. Not only did he hardly ever read, but Duo was too upset to realize that the magazine was upside down. "Duo?" Quatre asked, stepping closer to the chair. "What?" Duo asked sharply. He glanced up, trying to let just a bit of his usual cheerfulness show through his gloomy mood. "You seem upset. Are you okay?" Several tense moments passed before Duo slowly lowered the magazine and forced a smile. "Of course." He said, trying desperately not to choke on his words. "I'm fine." He quickly picked up the magazine again and hid his face with it. "You're reading that magazine upside down." "Huh?" "I said you're--" "Excuse me, could you tell me where Heero Yuy's room is?" The girl's voice came from across the room, but it caught Duo's and Quatre's attention instantly. Quatre's dark blue eyes grew very wide. "Relena?" "It's the psycho bitch!" Duo exclaimed. "What the hell is she doing here?!" He shot out of his chair in an instant and rushed towards the blonde haired, blue eyed teenage girl. Quatre raced after him in a panic and grabbed his arm, trying desperately to stop him. "Iie, Duo! Duo, stop! Don't make a scene." He pleaded. Duo stopped walking since Relena had already gone upstairs. "Oh well." Duo shrugged and turned back to his chair. "Heero'll probably kill her if she annoys him." Heero was typing away on his laptop and did not hear the soft knocking on the door. But when the door slowly swung open, he slammed the computer shut and stood up so quickly that his chair fell over. "Relena?" He said to the figure at the door. His voice sounded more than a little more than surprised. "Hello, Heero." Relena smiled pleasantly. "I haven't seen you for quite a while." The Japanese pilot stared at her and merely shrugged. "I had a...proposition for you." Heero raised and eyebrow, showing a slight interest. "Hn." "Call it a bet. If I win, you have to come out to dinner with me tonight. If you win, you'll never have to see me again. Okay?" It sounded much too good to be true, but Heero nodded with a hint of a smirk. "Aa." Relena picked up Heero's chair and placed it against the wall. She stood facing it and leaned over until her the top of her head was brushing against the wall as well. She tightly grasped the chair's sides and lifted it off the ground for a few moments with no trouble then returned it to where it had been. Then she stood up and looked over at Heero with a sly grin. "If you can pick up this chair the same way I just did, you win." "That's all?" Heero asked. Relena nodded and casually ran a hand through her long hair. "Yep, that's all." Heero stepped up to the chair and tried to pick it up in the same fashion as Relena, but it didn't budge. Undaunted, he let out an annoyed grunt and tried again, but to no avail. He stood up and blinked in confusion. "I win!" Relena said happily. She leaned against the wall grinning. "Only girls have the correct body structure to pick up a chair that way. Put something nice on. I'll pay for dinner." She turned with a wide smile and went to wait in the hall. Heero growled in a low tone, picked up the chair with one hand, and threw it into the opposite wall where it broke apart. "Think she's dead?" "Heero coulda killed her and buried her body where no one will ever find it by now." "Really? How long has it been?" "Five and a half minutes." Duo took a sip from the bottle of Mountain Dew he had just bought and smiled almost maniacally at the thought of the ever-annoying psycho-hose beast being dead. "That's plenty of time for Heero to have killed her, destroyed the evidence and erased any proof of her existence." Duo had barely finished talking when Relena came down the stairs, clasping Heero's hand tightly in hers. He gasped in shock and dropped his bottle of soda, seeing the couple nicely dressed and leaving together. "W-what the hell is going on?" He murmured. To Be Continued... |